Gary D. Webb MD
Editor-in-Chief for the ChiP Network; Emeritus Editor of the ACHD Learning Center; Consulting Cardiologist, Toronto Congenital Cardiac Centre for Adults, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaDr. Webb helped to establish a 15-center network for adult congenital heart (ACHD) patients in Canada. He led the publication of the first set of guidelines for the management of ACHD patients. He co-led the first American recommendations for the management of these patients. He set up the ACHD Learning Center in collaboration with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and ISACHD. He leads the Chip Network, an organization aiming to connect congenital heart professionals globally.
No disclosures to report.Recent Contributions to PracticeUpdate:
- Impact of Specialized Care for Adults With Congenital Heart Disease
- Recovery of Echocardiographic Function in Children With Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- NT-proBNP Levels Predictive in Pregnant Women With CHD
- 2013 Top Stories in Cardiology: Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease
- Changes and Environmental Influences in the Pattern of CHD Over the Past 30 Years
- AHA 2013—5 Interesting New Studies in Congenital Heart Disease
- Adult Congenital Heart Disease Over the Age of 60
- Uteroplacental Blood Flow and Outcomes in Pregnant Women With CHD
- Congenital Heart Disease Beyond the Age of 60: Emergence of a New Population With High Resource Utilization, High Morbidity, and High Mortality