Use of Antihypertensives, Blood Pressure, and the Estimated Risk of Dementia in Late Life
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Use of Antihypertensives, Blood Pressure, and Estimated Risk of Dementia in Late Life: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis
JAMA Netw Open 2023 Sep 05;6(9)e2333353, MJ Lennon, BCP Lam, DM Lipnicki, JD Crawford, R Peters, AE Schutte, H Brodaty, A Thalamuthu, T Rydberg-Sterner, J Najar, I Skoog, SG Riedel-Heller, S Röhr, A Pabst, A Lobo, C De-la-Cámara, E Lobo, T Bello, O Gureje, A Ojagbemi, RB Lipton, MJ Katz, CA Derby, KW Kim, JW Han, DJ Oh, E Rolandi, A Davin, M Rossi, N Scarmeas, M Yannakoulia, T Dardiotis, HC Hendrie, S Gao, I Carrière, K Ritchie, KJ Anstey, N Cherbuin, S Xiao, L Yue, W Li, MM Guerchet, PM Preux, V Aboyans, MN Haan, AE Aiello, TP Ng, MSZ Nyunt, Q Gao, M Scazufca, PSS SachdevFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.