Ultra–Low-Dose CT vs Chest X-Ray for Diagnosis of Patients Suspected With Pulmonary Disease in the Emergency Department
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From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Ultra-low-dose CT versus chest X-ray for patients suspected of pulmonary disease at the emergency department: a multicentre randomised clinical trial
Thorax 2023 May 01;78(5)515-522, IAH van den Berk, MMNP Kanglie, TSR van Engelen, J Altenburg, JT Annema, LFM Beenen, B Boerrigter, MK Bomers, P Bresser, E Eryigit, M Groenink, SMR Hochheimer, F Holleman, JAJ Kooter, RB van Loon, M Keijzers, I van der Lee, P Luijendijk, LJ Meijboom, S Middeldorp, LJ Schijf, R Soetekouw, RW Sprengers, AD Montauban van Swijndregt, W de Monyé, ML Ridderikhof, MM Winter, S Bipat, MGW Dijkgraaf, PMM Bossuyt, JM Prins, J StokerFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.