Tumor CD8+ T-Cell Infiltration and PD-L1+ Immune Cells Predict Improved DFS in BRAF V600E–Mutated Melanoma
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Prognostic Impact of Baseline Tumour Immune Infiltrate on Disease-Free Survival in Patients With Completely Resected, BRAFv600 Mutation-Positive Melanoma Receiving Adjuvant Vemurafenib
Ann. Oncol 2020 Jan 01;31(1)153-159, PA Ascierto, KD Lewis, AM Di Giacomo, L Demidov, M Mandalà, I Bondarenko, C Herbert, A Mackiewicz, P Rutkowski, A Guminski, B Simmons, C Ye, G Hooper, MJ Wongchenko, GR Goodman, Y Yan, D SchadendorfFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.