Tumor Budding as an Independent Prognostic Factor for Stage III Colon Cancer
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Tumor budding is an independent prognostic factor in stage III colon cancer patients: A post-hoc analysis of the IDEA-France phase III trial (PRODIGE-GERCOR)
Ann. Oncol 2022 Mar 16;[EPub Ahead of Print], D Basile, C Broudin, JF Emile, A Falcoz, F Pagès, L Mineur, J Bennouna, C Louvet, P Artru, S Fratte, F Ghiringhelli, T André, V Derangère, D Vernerey, J Taieb, M SvrcekFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.