Tumor and Immune Biomarkers–Based Model to Predict Undetectable MRD and Survival in Multiple Myeloma
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Clinical Cancer Research
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
A Machine Learning Model Based on Tumor and Immune Biomarkers to Predict Undetectable MRD and Survival Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma
Clin. Cancer Res 2022 Jun 13;28(12)2598-2609, C Guerrero, N Puig, MT Cedena, I Goicoechea, C Perez, JJ Garcés, C Botta, MJ Calasanz, NC Gutierrez, ML Martin-Ramos, A Oriol, R Rios, MT Hernandez, R Martinez-Martinez, J Bargay, F de Arriba, L Palomera, AP Gonzalez-Rodriguez, A Mosquera-Orgueira, MS Gonzalez-Perez, J Martinez-Lopez, JJ Lahuerta, L Rosiñol, J Blade, MV Mateos, JF San-Miguel, B PaivaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.