Treatment-Free Remission in Patients With CML Treated With Front-Line Nilotinib
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Treatment-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated front-line with nilotinib: 10-year followup of the GIMEMA CML 0307 study
Haematologica 2022 Oct 01;107(10)2356-2364, G Gugliotta, F Castagnetti, M Breccia, L Levato, T Intermesoli, M D'Adda, M Salvucci, F Stagno, G Rege-Cambrin, M Tiribelli, B Martino, M Bocchia, M Cedrone, E Trabacchi, F Cavazzini, F Porretto, F Sorà, MP Simula, F Albano, S Soverini, R Foà, F Pane, M Cavo, G Saglio, M Baccarani, G RostiFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.