Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery
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Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery
N. Engl. J. Med 2022 Apr 02;[EPub Ahead of Print], PJ Devereaux, M Marcucci, TW Painter, D Conen, V Lomivorotov, DI Sessler, MTV Chan, FK Borges, MJ Martínez-Zapata, CY Wang, D Xavier, SN Ofori, MK Wang, S Efremov, G Landoni, YV Kleinlugtenbelt, W Szczeklik, D Schmartz, AX Garg, TG Short, M Wittmann, CS Meyhoff, M Amir, D Torres, A Patel, E Duceppe, K Ruetzler, JL Parlow, V Tandon, E Fleischmann, CA Polanczyk, A Lamy, SV Astrakov, M Rao, WKK Wu, K Bhatt, M de Nadal, VV Likhvantsev, P Paniagua, HJ Aguado, RP Whitlock, MH McGillion, M Prystajecky, J Vincent, J Eikelboom, I Copland, K Balasubramanian, A Turan, SI Bangdiwala, D Stillo, PL Gross, T Cafaro, P Alfonsi, PS Roshanov, EP Belley-Côté, J Spence, T Richards, T VanHelder, W McIntyre, G Guyatt, S Yusuf, K LeslieFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.