Timeline of Development of Pancreatic Cancer
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Timeline of development of pancreatic cancer and implications for successful early detection in high-risk individuals
Gastroenterology 2021 Oct 19;[EPub Ahead of Print], KA Overbeek, MG Goggins, M Dbouk, IJM Levink, BDM Koopmann, M Chuidian, ICAW Konings, S Paiella, J Earl, P Fockens, TM Gress, MGEM Ausems, JW Poley, NC Thosani, E Half, J Lachter, EM Stoffel, RS Kwon, A Stoita, F Kastrinos, AL Lucas, S Syngal, RE Brand, A Chak, A Carrato, FP Vleggaar, DK Bartsch, JE van Hooft, DL Cahen, MI Canto, MJ BrunoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.