The Middle Mesial Canal in Mandibular First Molars Is Prevalent and Is Often Bilateral
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Assessment of The Prevalence of Middle Mesial Canal in Mandibular First Molar; A Multinational Cross-Sectional Study With Meta-Analysis
J Endod 2023 Mar 01;[EPub Ahead of Print], F Pertek Hatipoglu, G Magat, Ö Hatipoğlu, N Taha, S Alfirjani, IZ Abidin, AP Lehmann, MAM Alkhawas, GD Buchanan, K Maira, S Surendar, MQ Javed, AA Madfa, D Donnermeyer, SJ Krmek, UA Bhatti, PJ Palma, JF Brochado MartinsFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.