Systematic Biopsy vs MRI and Targeted and Systematic Biopsy in Men on Active Surveillance
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Randomized Study of Systematic Biopsy Versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Targeted and Systematic Biopsy in Men on Active Surveillance (ASIST): 2-Year Post Biopsy Follow-Up
Eur Urol 2020 Mar 01;77(3)311-317, L Klotz, G Pond, A Loblaw, L Sugar, M Moussa, D Berman, T Van der Kwast, D Vesprini, L Milot, M Kebabdjian, N Fleshner, S Ghai, J Chin, M HaiderFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.