Sotigalimab and/or Nivolumab With Chemotherapy in First-Line Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer
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Sotigalimab and/or nivolumab with chemotherapy in first-line metastatic pancreatic cancer: clinical and immunologic analyses from the randomized phase 2 PRINCE trial
Nat. Med. 2022 Jun 01;28(6)1167-1177, LJ Padrón, DM Maurer, MH O'Hara, EM O'Reilly, RA Wolff, ZA Wainberg, AH Ko, G Fisher, O Rahma, JP Lyman, CR Cabanski, JX Yu, SM Pfeiffer, M Spasic, J Xu, PF Gherardini, J Karakunnel, R Mick, C Alanio, KT Byrne, TJ Hollmann, JS Moore, DD Jones, M Tognetti, RO Chen, X Yang, L Salvador, EJ Wherry, U Dugan, J O'Donnell-Tormey, LH Butterfield, VM Hubbard-Lucey, R Ibrahim, J Fairchild, S Bucktrout, TM LaVallee, RH VonderheideFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.