Single-View Echocardiography by Nonexpert Practitioners to Detect Rheumatic Heart Disease
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Single-View Echocardiography by Nonexpert Practitioners to Detect Rheumatic Heart Disease: A Prospective Study of Diagnostic Accuracy
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2021 Aug 01;14(8)e011790, JR Francis, GA Whalley, A Kaethner, H Fairhurst, H Hardefeldt, B Reeves, B Auld, J Marangou, A Horton, G Wheaton, T Robertson, C Ryan, S Brown, G Smith, J Dos Santos, R Flavio, K Embaum, M da Graca Noronha, S Lopes Belo, C Madeira Santos, M Georginha Dos Santos, J Cabral, I do Rosario, J Harries, LA Francis, ADK Draper, CL James, K Davis, J Yan, A Mitchell, I da Silva Almeida, D Engelman, KV Roberts, AP Ralph, B RemenyiFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.