Safety and Glycemic Outcomes During the MiniMed™ Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop System Pivotal Trial in Adolescents and Adults With T1D
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Safety and Glycemic Outcomes During the MiniMed™ Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop System Pivotal Trial in Adolescents and Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Technol. Ther. 2022 Mar 01;24(3)178-189, AL Carlson, JL Sherr, DI Shulman, SK Garg, R Pop-Busui, BW Bode, DR Lilenquist, RL Brazg, KB Kaiserman, MS Kipnes, JR Thrasher, JHC Reed, RH Slover, A Philis-Tsimikas, M Christiansen, B Grosman, A Roy, M Vella, RAM Jonkers, X Chen, J Shin, TL Cordero, SW Lee, AS Rhinehart, RA VigerskyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.