Safety and Efficacy of Continuous Subcutaneous Levodopa–Carbidopa Infusion for Parkinson's Disease With Motor Fluctuations
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Safety and efficacy of continuous subcutaneous levodopa-carbidopa infusion (ND0612) for Parkinson's disease with motor fluctuations (BouNDless): a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, multicentre trial
Lancet Neurol 2024 Mar 15;[EPub Ahead of Print], AJ Espay, F Stocchi, R Pahwa, A Albanese, A Ellenbogen, JJ Ferreira, N Giladi, T Gurevich, S Hassin-Baer, J Hernandez-Vara, SH Isaacson, K Kieburtz, PA LeWitt, L Lopez-Manzanares, CW Olanow, W Poewe, H Sarva, T Yardeni, L Adar, L Salin, N Lopes, N Sasson, R Case, O RascolFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.