Safety and Efficacy of Combined Tixagevimab and Cilgavimab Administered Intramuscularly or Intravenously in Nonhospitalized Patients With COVID-19
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Safety and Efficacy of Combined Tixagevimab and Cilgavimab Administered Intramuscularly or Intravenously in Nonhospitalized Patients With COVID-19: 2 Randomized Clinical Trials
JAMA Netw Open 2023 Apr 26;6(4)e2310039, RA Bender Ignacio, KW Chew, C Moser, JS Currier, JJ Eron, AC Javan, MJ Giganti, E Aga, M Gibbs, H Tchouakam Kouekam, E Johnsson, MT Esser, K Hoover, G Neytman, M Newell, ES Daar, W Fischer, CV Fletcher, JZ Li, AL Greninger, RW Coombs, MD Hughes, D Smith, DA WohlFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.