Rivaroxaban vs Aspirin to Prevent Covert Brain Infarcts in Patients With ESUS
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Rivaroxaban versus aspirin for prevention of covert brain infarcts in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source: NAVIGATE ESUS MRI substudy
Int J Stroke 2021 Nov 18;[EPub Ahead of Print], M Sharma, EE Smith, LA Pearce, KS Perera, SE Kasner, BW Yoon, SF Ameriso, J Puig, D Damgaard, JB Fiebach, KW Muir, RC Veltkamp, DS Toni, N Shamalov, RJ Gagliardi, R Mikulik, ST Engelter, D Bereczki, MJ O'Donnell, F Saad, A Shoamanesh, SD Berkowitz, H Mundl, RG HartFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.