Real-World Impact of (Neo)/Adjuvant Anti-HER2 Treatment on the Characteristics and Outcomes in Women With HER2+ Metastatic Breast Cancer
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Real-World Impact of Adjuvant Anti-HER2 Treatment on Characteristics and Outcomes of Women With HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer in the ESME Program
Oncologist 2023 Oct 03;28(10)e867-e876, F Le Du, M Carton, T Bachelot, M Saghatchian, B Pistilli, E Brain, D Loirat, L Vanlemmens, T Vermeulin, G Emile, A Gonçalves, M Ung, M Robert, A Jaffre, I Desmoulins, C Jouannaud, L Uwer, J Marc Ferrero, MA Mouret-Reynier, W Jacot, M Chevrot, S Delaloge, V DiérasFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.