Prognostic Utility of an AI-Based Evaluation of Stenosis on Coronary CTA
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AI Evaluation of Stenosis on Coronary CTA, Comparison With Quantitative Coronary Angiography and Fractional Flow Reserve: A CREDENCE Trial Substudy
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2023 Feb 01;16(2)193-205, WF Griffin, AD Choi, JS Riess, H Marques, HJ Chang, JH Choi, JH Doh, AY Her, BK Koo, CW Nam, HB Park, SH Shin, J Cole, A Gimelli, MA Khan, B Lu, Y Gao, F Nabi, R Nakazato, UJ Schoepf, RS Driessen, MJ Bom, R Thompson, JJ Jang, M Ridner, C Rowan, E Avelar, P Généreux, P Knaapen, GA de Waard, G Pontone, D Andreini, JP EarlsFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.