Prevalence of Monoclonal Gammopathies and Clinical Outcomes in a High-Risk US Population Screened by Mass Spectrometry
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Prevalence of monoclonal gammopathies and clinical outcomes in a high-risk US population screened by mass spectrometry: a multicentre cohort study
Lancet Haematol 2022 Mar 25;[EPub Ahead of Print], H El-Khoury, DJ Lee, JB Alberge, R Redd, CJ Cea-Curry, J Perry, H Barr, C Murphy, D Sakrikar, D Barnidge, M Bustoros, H Leblebjian, A Cowan, MI Davis, J Amstutz, CJ Boehner, ED Lightbody, R Sklavenitis-Pistofidis, MC Perkins, S Harding, CC Mo, P Kapoor, J Mikhael, IM Borrello, R Fonseca, ST Weiss, E Karlson, L Trippa, TR Rebbeck, G Getz, CR Marinac, IM GhobrialFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.