Preoperative Ipilimumab Plus Nivolumab in Locoregionally Advanced Urothelial Cancer
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Preoperative Ipilimumab Plus Nivolumab in Locoregionally Advanced Urothelial Cancer: The NABUCCO Trial
Nat. Med. 2020 Oct 12;[EPub Ahead of Print], N van Dijk, A Gil-Jimenez, K Silina, K Hendricksen, LA Smit, JM de Feijter, ML van Montfoort, C van Rooijen, D Peters, A Broeks, HG van der Poel, A Bruining, Y Lubeck, K Sikorska, TN Boellaard, P Kvistborg, DJ Vis, E Hooijberg, TN Schumacher, M van den Broek, LFA Wessels, CU Blank, BW van Rhijn, MS van der HeijdenFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.