Platelet-Inspired IV Nanomedicine for Injury-Targeted Direct Delivery of Thrombin to Augment Hemostasis in Coagulopathies
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Platelet-Inspired Intravenous Nanomedicine for Injury-Targeted Direct Delivery of Thrombin to Augment Hemostasis in Coagulopathies
ACS Nano 2022 Oct 25;16(10)16292-16313, A Girish, K Jolly, N Alsaadi, M de la Fuente, A Recchione, R An, D Disharoon, Z Secunda, S Raghunathan, NF Luc, C Desai, E Knauss, X Han, K Hu, H Wang, UDS Sekhon, N Rohner, UA Gurkan, M Nieman, MD Neal, A Sen GuptaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.