Pharmacogenomic Assessment of Psychiatric Adverse Drug Reactions to Levetiracetam
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A pharmacogenomic assessment of psychiatric adverse drug reactions to levetiracetam
Epilepsia 2022 Mar 17;[EPub Ahead of Print], C Campbell, M McCormack, S Patel, C Stapleton, D Bobbili, R Krause, C Depondt, GJ Sills, BP Koeleman, P Striano, F Zara, JW Sander, H Lerche, WS Kunz, K Stefansson, H Stefansson, CP Doherty, EL Heinzen, IE Scheffer, DB Goldstein, T O'Brien, D Cotter, SF Berkovic, SM Sisodiya, N Delanty, GL CavalleriFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.