Neurologic Complications in Patients Receiving Aortic vs Subclavian vs Femoral Arterial Cannulation for Post-Cardiotomy Extracorporeal Life Support
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Neurologic complications in patients receiving aortic versus subclavian versus femoral arterial cannulation for post-cardiotomy extracorporeal life support: results of the PELS observational multicenter study
Crit Care 2024 Aug 07;28(1)265, G Chiarini, S Mariani, AK Schaefer, BCT van Bussel, M Di Mauro, D Wiedemann, D Saeed, M Pozzi, L Botta, U Boeken, R Samalavicius, K Bounader, X Hou, JJH Bunge, H Buscher, L Salazar, B Meyns, D Herr, S Matteucci, S Sponga, K Ramanathan, C Russo, F Formica, P Sakiyalak, A Fiore, D Camboni, GM Raffa, R Diaz, IW Wang, JS Jung, J Belohlavek, V Pellegrino, G Bianchi, M Pettinari, A Barbone, JP Garcia, K Shekar, GJR Whitman, R LorussoFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.