Neck Dissections Based on Sentinel Lymph Node Navigation Versus Elective Neck Dissections in Early Oral Cancers
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Neck Dissections Based on Sentinel Lymph Node Navigation Versus Elective Neck Dissections in Early Oral Cancers: A Randomized, Multicenter, and Noninferiority Trial
J. Clin. Oncol 2021 Apr 20;[EPub Ahead of Print], Y Hasegawa, K Tsukahara, S Yoshimoto, K Miura, J Yokoyama, S Hirano, H Uemura, M Sugasawa, T Yoshizaki, A Homma, K Chikamatsu, M Suzuki, A Shiotani, T Matsuzuka, N Kohno, M Miyazaki, I Oze, K Matsuo, S Kosuda, Y YatabeFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.