Myocardial Involvement After Hospitalization for COVID-19 Complicated by Troponin Elevation
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Myocardial Involvement After Hospitalization for COVID-19 Complicated by Troponin Elevation: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study
Circulation 2023 Jan 27;147(5)364-374, J Artico, H Shiwani, JC Moon, M Gorecka, GP McCann, G Roditi, A Morrow, K Mangion, E Lukaschuk, M Shanmuganathan, CA Miller, A Chiribiri, SK Prasad, RD Adam, T Singh, C Bucciarelli-Ducci, D Dawson, D Knight, M Fontana, C Manisty, TA Treibel, E Levelt, R Arnold, PW Macfarlane, R Young, A McConnachie, S Neubauer, SK Piechnik, RH Davies, VM Ferreira, MR Dweck, C Berry, , JP GreenwoodFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.