Molecular Determinants of Outcomes in Relapsed or Refractory MCL Treated With Ibrutinib or Temsirolimus
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Molecular determinants of outcomes in relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma treated with ibrutinib or temsirolimus in the MCL3001 (RAY) trial
Leukemia 2022 Aug 13;[EPub Ahead of Print], CL Freeman, P Pararajalingam, L Jin, S Balasubramanian, A Jiang, W Xu, M Grau, M Zapukhlyak, M Boyle, B Hodkinson, M Schaffer, C Enny, S Deshpande, S Sun, J Vermeulen, RD Morin, DW Scott, G LenzFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.