Metastasis Rates After Endoscopic Resection of Early High-Risk Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
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Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Analysis of metastases rates during follow-up after endoscopic resection of early "high-risk" esophageal adenocarcinoma
Gastrointest. Endosc. 2022 Aug 01;96(2)237-247.e3, EA Nieuwenhuis, SN van Munster, SL Meijer, LAA Brosens, M Jansen, BLAM Weusten, L Alvarez Herrero, A Alkhalaf, E Schenk, EJ Schoon, WL Curvers, AD Koch, SEM van de Ven, EPD Verheij, WB Nagengast, J Westerhof, MHMG Houben, T Tang, JJGHM Bergman, RE PouwFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.