Luspatercept in Patients With Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes
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Luspatercept in Patients With Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes
N. Engl. J. Med 2020 Jan 09;382(2)140-151, P Fenaux, U Platzbecker, GJ Mufti, G Garcia-Manero, R Buckstein, V Santini, M Díez-Campelo, C Finelli, M Cazzola, O Ilhan, MA Sekeres, JF Falantes, B Arrizabalaga, F Salvi, V Giai, P Vyas, D Bowen, D Selleslag, AE DeZern, JG Jurcic, U Germing, KS Götze, B Quesnel, O Beyne-Rauzy, T Cluzeau, MT Voso, D Mazure, E Vellenga, PL Greenberg, E Hellström-Lindberg, AM Zeidan, L Adès, A Verma, MR Savona, A Laadem, A Benzohra, J Zhang, A Rampersad, DR Dunshee, PG Linde, ML Sherman, RS Komrokji, AF ListFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.