Low Alcohol Consumption Influences Outcomes in Individuals With Alcohol-Related Compensated Cirrhosis
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Low alcohol consumption influences outcomes in individuals with alcohol-related compensated cirrhosis in a French multicenter cohort
J. Hepatol. 2023 Mar 01;78(3)501-512, A Louvet, V Bourcier, I Archambeaud, L d'Alteroche, C Chaffaut, F Oberti, C Moreno, D Roulot, T Dao, R Moirand, JC Duclos-Vallée, O Goria, E Nguyen-Khac, S Pol, N Carbonell, J Gournay, L Elkrief, I Fouchard-Hubert, S Chevret, N Ganne-CarriéFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.