Local Anesthetic Transperineal Prostate Biopsy Using a Probe-Mounted Transperineal Access System
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Local anaesthetic transperineal (LATP) prostate biopsy using a probe-mounted transperineal access system: a multicentre prospective outcome analysis
BJU Int 2021 Sep 01;128(3)311-318, JF Lopez, A Campbell, A Omer, L Stroman, J Bondad, T Austin, T Reeves, C Phelan, A Leiblich, Y Philippou, CE Lovegrove, N Ranasinha, RJ Bryant, T Leslie, FC Hamdy, S Brewster, CR Bell, R Popert, D Hodgson, M Elsaghir, B Eddy, S Bolomytis, R Persad, UD Reddy, C Foley, S van Rij, W Lam, AD LambFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.