Liquid Biopsy and Radiological Response Predict Outcomes Following Discontinuation of Targeted Therapy in Patients With BRAF-Mutated Melanoma
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Liquid Biopsy and Radiological Response Predict Outcomes Following Discontinuation of Targeted Therapy in Patients with BRAF Mutated Melanoma
Oncologist 2021 Aug 06;[EPub Ahead of Print], L Di Guardo, G Randon, F Corti, V Vallacchi, A Raimondi, G Fucà, M Bini, A Maurichi, R Patuzzo, G Gallino, I Mattavelli, R Ruggeri, M Angi, M Cossa, B Valeri, C Cimminiello, M Santinami, L Rivoltini, F de Braud, M Rodolfo, MD VecchioFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.