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Journal Scan / Research · May 08, 2024

Lifetime Duration of Breastfeeding and Cardiovascular Risk in Women With Type 2 Diabetes or a History of Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes Care




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Additional Info

Disclosure statements are available on the authors' profiles:

Diabetes Care
Lifetime Duration of Breastfeeding and Cardiovascular Risk in Women With Type 2 Diabetes or a History of Gestational Diabetes: Findings From Two Large Prospective Cohorts
Diabetes Care 2024 Apr 01;47(4)720-728, A Birukov, M Guasch-Ferré, SH Ley, DK Tobias, F Wang, C Wittenbecher, J Yang, JE Manson, JE Chavarro, FB Hu, C Zhang

From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

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Further Reading