Inequity of Access to Liver Transplantation for Patients With Severe Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in Europe
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Location and allocation: Inequity of access to liver transplantation for patients with severe acute-on-chronic liver failure in Europe
Liver Transpl. 2022 Sep 01;28(9)1429-1440, T Artzner, W Bernal, LS Belli, S Conti, PA Cortesi, SC Sacleux, GP Pageaux, S Radenne, J Trebicka, J Fernandez, G Perricone, S Piano, S Nadalin, MC Morelli, S Martini, WG Polak, K Zieniewicz, C Toso, M Berenguer, C Iegri, F Invernizzi, R Volpes, V Karam, R Adam, F Faitot, L Rabinowich, F Saliba, L Meunier, M Lesurtel, FE Uschner, B Michard, A Coilly, M Meszaros, D Poinsot, C Besch, A Schnitzbauer, LG De Carlis, R Fumagalli, P Angeli, V Arroyo, C Fondevila, C Duvoux, R JalanFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.