Incidence, Predictors, and Prognostic Impact of New Permanent Pacemaker Implantation After TAVR With Self-Expanding Valves
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Incidence, Predictors, and Prognostic Impact of New Permanent Pacemaker Implantation After TAVR With Self-Expanding Valves
JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2023 Aug 28;16(16)2004-2017, M Pagnesi, WK Kim, S Baggio, A Scotti, M Barbanti, F De Marco, M Adamo, A Eitan, R Estévez-Loureiro, L Conradi, S Toggweiler, D Mylotte, V Veulemans, L Søndergaard, A Wolf, F Giannini, D Maffeo, T Pilgrim, M Montorfano, D Zweiker, M Ferlini, R Kornowski, D Hildick-Smith, M Taramasso, A Abizaid, J Schofer, JM Sinning, NM Van Mieghem, J Wöhrle, S Khogali, JAS Van der Heyden, DA Wood, A Ielasi, P MacCarthy, S Brugaletta, CW Hamm, G Costa, L Testa, M Massussi, R Alarcón, U Schäfer, S Brunner, B Reimers, M Lunardi, T Zeus, M Vanhaverbeke, CK Naber, L Di Ienno, A Buono, S Windecker, A Schmidt, G Lanzillo, H Vaknin-Assa, S Arunothayaraj, M Saccocci, D Siqueira, C Brinkmann, A Sedaghat, F Ziviello, J Seeger, W Rottbauer, J Brouwer, I Buysschaert, J Jelisejevas, A Bharucha, A Regueiro, M Metra, A Colombo, A Latib, A MangieriFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.