Impact of the Application of Artificial Intelligence–Based Medical Devices on Retinal Disease Management
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The impact of artificial intelligence on retinal disease management: Vision Academy retinal expert consensus
Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2023 Sep 01;34(5)396-402, C Danese, AU Kale, T Aslam, P Lanzetta, J Barratt, YB Chou, B Eldem, N Eter, R Gale, JF Korobelnik, I Kozak, X Li, X Li, A Loewenstein, P Ruamviboonsuk, T Sakamoto, DSW Ting, P van Wijngaarden, SM Waldstein, D Wong, L Wu, MA Zapata, J Zarranz-VenturaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.