Impact of Optimal Medical Therapy on 10-Year Mortality After Coronary Revascularization
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Impact of Optimal Medical Therapy on 10-Year Mortality After Coronary Revascularization
J Am Coll Cardiol 2021 Jul 06;78(1)27-38, H Kawashima, PW Serruys, M Ono, H Hara, N O'Leary, MJ Mack, DR Holmes, MC Morice, SJ Head, AP Kappetein, DJFM Thuijs, M Milojevic, T Noack, FW Mohr, PM Davierwala, F Sharif, JW McEvoy, Y OnumaFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.