Impact of Diabetes on COVID-19 Prognosis Beyond Comorbidity Burden
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Impact of diabetes on COVID-19 prognosis beyond comorbidity burden: the CORONADO initiative
Diabetologia 2022 Sep 01;65(9)1436-1449, B Cariou, M Wargny, AS Boureau, S Smati, B Tramunt, R Desailloud, M Lebeault, C Amadou, D Ancelle, B Balkau, L Bordier, S Borot, M Bourgeon, O Bourron, E Cosson, M Eisinger, C Gonfroy-Leymarie, JB Julla, L Marchand, L Meyer, D Seret-Bégué, D Simon, A Sultan, C Thivolet, A Vambergue, C Vatier, P Winiszewski, PJ Saulnier, B Bauduceau, P Gourdy, S HadjadjFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.