Impact of a Video Intervention on Goals-of-Care Documentation Among Hospitalized Older Adults
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JAMA Network Open
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Video Intervention and Goals-of-Care Documentation in Hospitalized Older Adults: The VIDEO-PCE Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA Netw Open 2023 Sep 05;6(9)e2332556, AE Volandes, SN Zupanc, JR Lakin, HJ Cabral, EA Burns, MT Carney, S Lopez, J Itty, K Emmert, NJ Martin, T Cole, A Dobie, T Cucinotta, M Joel, LB Caruso, L Henault, JN Dugas, K Astone, M Winter, N Wang, AD Davis, C Garde, PM Rodriguez, A El-Jawahri, ET Moseley, S Das, K Sciacca, AM Ramirez, V Gromova, S Lambert, S Sanghani, C Lindvall, MK Paasche-OrlowFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.