Immune Responses and Clinical Outcomes After COVID-19 Vaccination in Patients With Liver Disease and Liver Transplant Recipients
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Immune responses and clinical outcomes after COVID-19 vaccination in patients with liver disease and liver transplant recipients
J. Hepatol. 2024 Jan 01;80(1)109-123, SM Murray, E Pose, M Wittner, MC Londoño, G Schaub, J Cook, S Dimitriadis, G Meacham, S Irwin, Z Lim, P Duengelhoef, M Sterneck, AW Lohse, V Perez, P Trivedi, K Bhandal, BH Mullish, P Manousou, NM Provine, E Avitabile, M Carroll, T Tipton, S Healy, P Burra, P Klenerman, S Dunachie, B Kronsteiner, AK Maciola, G Pasqual, V Hernandez-Gea, JC Garcia-Pagan, P Lampertico, M Iavarone, P Gines, M Lütgehetmann, J Schulze Zur Wiesch, FP Russo, E Barnes, T MarjotFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.