How Cardiometabolic Diseases Impact the Association Between Sedentary Time and Mortality in Japan
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Effect of Underlying Cardiometabolic Diseases on the Association Between Sedentary Time and All-Cause Mortality in a Large Japanese Population: A Cohort Analysis Based on the J-MICC Study
J Am Heart Assoc 2021 Jun 14;[EPub Ahead of Print], T Koyama, E Ozaki, N Kuriyama, S Tomida, T Yoshida, R Uehara, K Tanaka, M Hara, A Hishida, R Okada, Y Kubo, I Oze, YN Koyanagi, H Mikami, Y Nakamura, I Shimoshikiryo, T Takezaki, S Suzuki, T Otani, K Kuriki, N Takashima, A Kadota, K Arisawa, S Katsuura-Kamano, H Ikezaki, M Murata, K Takeuchi, K WakaiFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.