Higher Transferrin Saturation Predicts Inferior Clinical Outcomes in Patients With MDS
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High transferrin saturation predicts inferior clinical outcomes in patients with MDS
Haematologica 2022 Aug 18;[EPub Ahead of Print], J Teichman, M Geddes, N Zhu, MM Keating, M Sabloff, G Christou, B Leber, D Khalaf, E St-Hilaire, N Finn, A Shamy, KWL Yee, JM Storring, TJ Nevill, R Delage, M Elemary, V Banerji, B Houston, L Mozessohn, L Chodirker, L Zhang, M Siddiqui, A Parmentier, HA Leitch, RJ BucksteinFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.