Heterogeneity of Glycaemic Phenotypes in Type 1 Diabetes
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Heterogeneity of glycaemic phenotypes in type 1 diabetes
Diabetologia 2024 Aug 01;67(8)1567-1581, G Fagherazzi, GA Aguayo, L Zhang, H Hanaire, S Picard, L Sablone, B Vergès, N Hamamouche, B Detournay, M Joubert, B Delemer, I Guilhem, A Vambergue, P Gourdy, S Hadjadj, FL Velayoudom, B Guerci, E Larger, N Jeandidier, JF Gautier, E Renard, L Potier, PY Benhamou, A Sola, L Bordier, E Bismuth, G Prévost, L Kessler, E Cosson, JP RivelineFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.