Gut Bacteria Composition Influences Cancer Immunotherapy in Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients
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Gut Bacteria Composition Drives Primary Resistance to Cancer Immunotherapy in Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients
Eur Urol 2020 May 03;[EPub Ahead of Print], L Derosa, B Routy, M Fidelle, V Iebba, L Alla, E Pasolli, N Segata, A Desnoyer, F Pietrantonio, G Ferrere, JE Fahrner, E Le Chatellier, N Pons, N Galleron, H Roume, CPM Duong, L Mondragón, K Iribarren, M Bonvalet, S Terrisse, C Rauber, AG Goubet, R Daillère, F Lemaitre, A Reni, B Casu, MT Alou, C Alves Costa Silva, D Raoult, K Fizazi, B Escudier, G Kroemer, L Albiges, L ZitvogelFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.