GM-CSF–Secreting Leukemia Cell Vaccination for MDS/AML After Allogeneic HSCT
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GM-CSF secreting leukemia cell vaccination for MDS/AML after allogeneic HSCT: a randomized, double-blinded, phase 2 trial
Blood Adv 2022 Apr 12;6(7)2183-2194, VT Ho, HT Kim, J Brock, I Galinsky, H Daley, C Reynolds, A Weber, O Pozdnyakova, M Severgnini, S Nikiforow, C Cutler, J Koreth, EP Alyea, JH Antin, M Gooptu, R Romee, R Shapiro, YB Chen, J Rosenblatt, D Avigan, FS Hodi, G Dranoff, CJ Wu, J Ritz, RJ SoifferFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.