Genomics and Phenomics of BMI Reveals a Complex Disease Network
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Nature Communications
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Genomics and phenomics of body mass index reveals a complex disease network
Nat Commun 2022 Dec 29;13(1)7973, J Huang, JE Huffman, Y Huang, Í Do Valle, TL Assimes, S Raghavan, BF Voight, C Liu, AL Barabási, RDL Huang, Q Hui, XT Nguyen, YL Ho, L Djousse, JA Lynch, M Vujkovic, C Tcheandjieu, H Tang, SM Damrauer, PD Reaven, D Miller, LS Phillips, MCY Ng, M Graff, CA Haiman, RJF Loos, KE North, L Yengo, GD Smith, D Saleheen, JM Gaziano, DJ Rader, PS Tsao, K Cho, KM Chang, PWF Wilson, YV Sun, CJ O'DonnellFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.