Genetic Testing for Recessively Inherited Monogenic Diabetes
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Systematic genetic testing for recessively inherited monogenic diabetes: a cross-sectional study in paediatric diabetes clinics
Diabetologia 2022 Feb 01;65(2)336-342, KA Patel, MN Ozbek, M Yildiz, T Guran, C Kocyigit, S Acar, Z Siklar, M Atar, K Colclough, J Houghton, MB Johnson, S Ellard, SE Flanagan, F Cizmecioglu, M Berberoglu, K Demir, G Catli, S Bas, T Akcay, H Demirbilek, MN Weedon, AT HattersleyFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.