Genetic Susceptibility Loci in Genome-Wide Association Study of Cluster Headache
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Genetic Susceptibility Loci in Genomewide Association Study of Cluster Headache
Ann. Neurol 2021 Aug 01;90(2)203-216, AVE Harder, BS Winsvold, R Noordam, LS Vijfhuizen, S Børte, LJA Kogelman, I de Boer, E Tronvik, FR Rosendaal, K Willems van Dijk, E O'Connor, C Fourier, LF Thomas, ES Kristoffersen, , R Fronczek, P Pozo-Rosich, RH Jensen, MD Ferrari, TF Hansen, JA Zwart, GM Terwindt, AMJM van den MaagdenbergFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.