Functional Outcomes Over the First Year After Moderate to Severe TBI
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JAMA Neurology
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Functional Outcomes Over the First Year After Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in the Prospective, Longitudinal TRACK-TBI Study
JAMA Neurol 2021 Aug 01;78(8)982-992, MA McCrea, JT Giacino, J Barber, NR Temkin, LD Nelson, HS Levin, S Dikmen, M Stein, YG Bodien, K Boase, SR Taylor, M Vassar, P Mukherjee, C Robertson, R Diaz-Arrastia, DO Okonkwo, AJ Markowitz, GT Manley, , O Adeoye, N Badjatia, MR Bullock, R Chesnut, JD Corrigan, K Crawford, AC Duhaime, R Ellenbogen, VR Feeser, AR Ferguson, B Foreman, R Gardner, E Gaudette, D Goldman, L Gonzalez, S Gopinath, R Gullapalli, JC Hemphill, G Hotz, S Jain, CD Keene, FK Korley, J Kramer, N Kreitzer, C Lindsell, J Machamer, C Madden, A Martin, T McAllister, R Merchant, LB Ngwenya, F Noel, A Nolan, E Palacios, D Perl, A Puccio, M Rabinowitz, J Rosand, A Sander, G Satris, D Schnyer, S Seabury, M Sherer, A Toga, A Valadka, K Wang, JK Yue, E Yuh, R ZafonteFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.