Fixation of the Proximal Flange of a Lumen-Apposing Metal Stent Using a Through-the-Scope Endoscopic Suturing System to Prevent Stent Migration in Single-Session EUS-Directed Transgastric ERCP
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Fixation of Proximal flange of Lumen Apposing Metal Stent using Through-the-Scope Endoscopic Suturing System to Prevent Stent Migration in Single-Session EUS-directed Transgastric ERCP: A Pilot Study
Gastrointest. Endosc. 2024 Feb 19;[EPub Ahead of Print], HMA Khan, A Hussain, VCS Kumar, D Yang, MK HasanFrom MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.